Dear SAS Members,
Another astronomy year is upon us.
As you know, we’re the largest Astronomical Society in the North East.
In considering this, we would like your help to steer the direction of our society going forward for the benefits of our members both current and future.
The first aspect of this direction of travel for the society is to canvass your opinion.
To do this we have designed a short online survey ( 9 questions – using surveymonkey) and we invite you complete this survey asap and add your voice to your society’s progression.
This is your opportunity to offer opinion and suggestions to progress your society.
Each SAS member will be sent an email survey invitation to their membership email address with a link to take survey.
This email will be sent out to all members very shortly, with associated text alert reminders.
The survey will close 29th September, to allow for analysis of results.
We will present the results at the AGM.
Thanks for supporting your society.
Kind regards
Michael Tweedy
Chair – Sunderland Astronomical Society (SAS)