SAS Members,
You will be pleased to know that as our SAS talk/lectures are so awesome and so well attended that SAS has decided is extending the talk series from September through to the following August each year.
As always the talks will posted periodically in the SAS Society News and SAS Events Calendar.
And a snapshot of the complete talks this season can be found here and on the SAS Events Calendar (under lectures section).
Please support and attend these talks/lectures if you can.
At these events all raffle fundraising goes directly towards our society’s Washington Wetlands Centre ground rent costs.
Also, as the summer workshops were so successful , the workshops may be re-run over next summer period and possibly some workshops run periodically (time/volunteer speakers permitting) throughout the season.
Clear Skies,
Thanks for supporting your society.
Kind regards
Michael Tweedy
Chair – Sunderland Astronomical Society (SAS)