September is the start of our new season. SAS Memberships will be due from 1st September 2023 (payable throughout September) for this season 2023/2024
Joining/Renewing helps support your local astronomical society & community.
So come on down to the Cygnus Observatory (based at the Washington Wetlands Centre) to join or renewyour SAS membership.
The SAS is the largest & probably one of most active astronomical society’s in the North East, for advice, information, observing the night sky, and get together at various meet-ups, events, visits and join in the ‘Craic’ on all things astronomical.
The SAS Membership season runs from the 1st September each year within September for membership renewals, and your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.
Please note: Your membership is invaluable and goes a long way to keep our society going. For e.g. Paying for the upkeep of your society for e.g. site rental costs and various required insurances.
So now is an ideal time to renew your membership.
Using the SAS membership forms can be found on the membership webpage.
Payment for SAS memberships can also be made by:
- Cash;
- Cheque
- Using our SAS bank details (bank account no. & sort code) please put your name as reference) so we can identify who is membership payment for.
- SumUp Device (which we have at our base of operations at the Washington Wetlands Centre)
Alternately, use our online membership system (which will be coming online in the near future).
Keep an eye on the Membership and/or Society News webpages.
New Members & Facebook Members
If there are any New Members and/or any of our Facebook members who would like to become a full member of the society you can also email the chair with the following details:-
- Full name,
- Address,
- Mobile phone number,
- Type of membership. For family membership please give all names.
- Also confirm you have read and agree with the society rules.
Annual Membership Costs are:
- Single Membership (Adult) £20;
- Family Membership ( 2 Adults, 3 Children) £30;
- Concession Membership (Unemployed/Student/Junior/Senior) £15.
Useful links on the website:
Membership Benefits

- Membership also enables you to join our SAS email alert serives and be kept up to date/informed when the SAS needs to:
- Issue Membership information and notices.
- Provide information on observing events are taking place at our observatory.
- Provide information on Observing events at our dark sky sites.
- Provide information on other various astronomical events & visits that SAS are involved throughout the season.

- SAS Membership ID Cards are issued to for all new & current society members annually, with a membership card holder and lanyard (if required).
- All members are encouraged to use/display their membership ID cards at all our SAS meet-ups, visits and events at the Wetlands centre and outside.

- Access to SAS equipment.
- Access/use of Cygnus Observatory.
- Society membership includes membership to the Federation Astronomical Societies (FAS), (FAS Newsletter (3 per year) issued at SAS meetings), as well as other benefits.
- Your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.
You are also helping to support the society with other costs(rent for observatory, access to main building, support materials, and in supporting the local community).
Annual Membership Costs are:
- Single Membership (Adult) £20;
- Family Membership ( 2 Adults, 3 Children) £30;
- Concession Membership (Unemployed/Student/Junior/Senior) £15.
Remember, you do not have to own a telescope to become a member.