Back by popular demand, Sunderland Astronomical Society are will visiting Northumberland Park).
- Date: Friday 21st February 2025.
- Time: from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
- Entry: Free Event
SAS have been asked by the Northumberland Park (the park in North Shields) to hold a Stargazing event on Friday 21st February 2024 from 7 pm till 10 pm.
There will be access up to the observing site so no carrying heavy equipment AND our cars will be allowed to park nearby lane on site. For sitemap and parking notice, see links below.
Could participants please let our Chair/Events-Organiser know if you are interested in attending and in what role for e.g.
Name type of scope and mount would help with organising event, or just helping out and /or astro-chatting to the public etc.
For the related SAS group Facebook post, see link.
Directions to the park can be obtained via the Google Map below
PLEASE USE Postcode NE30 2ES (tynemouth golf course) code. But do not park in the Golf Course, entrance to Northumberland park is further along King Edwards road.
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Use the site site information/plan below for SAS and other astronomer society participants) on entry on to park.
We need as many SAS members astronomers & volunteers to participate as possible with & without telescopes to support this event.
Powerful telescopes will be available to view:
- The Moon.
- The planets Jupiter, Mars and Uranus.
- The Andromeda Galaxy (M31).
- The Orion Nebula (M42)
- Gorgeous open star clusters and nebulas.
- Plus many other astronomical wonders of the night sky.
Information & Activities:
- Free Event
- Suitable for all ages.
- Telescopes of all shapes and sizes
- Supported by the North East’s largest astronomical society.
- Lots to see and do.
- Expertise & advice from local SAS astronomers.
- Astro related Videos, Talks, Slideshows and Demonstrations.
- Refreshments available to buy in Cafe.
- Bring suitable clothing for the weather.
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