Something a bit different for the May lecture night.
In recent years “Smart Telescopes” have arrived on the astronomy scene. Smart telescopes offer an automated way of doing astronomy and astrophotography, albeit at a quite expensive price.
Last year ZWO released the SeeStar S50 offering a smart telescope at the price of an entry level computerised telescope and a number of our members have taken the opportunity to get into this new way of doing Astronomy.
Our David Ettie will lead us through his experiences and results with the SeeStar sported by others who are also using this instrument to produce images of a quality beyond its price tag.
If your using a SeeStar come and share your own experiences.
This event I’m sure, will be valuable to anyone thinking of buying a smart telescope, and fascinating to everyone interested in the future of amateur astronomy.
Hopefully see you all at the Wetlands Centre (Discovery Room) , Raffle & Refreshments as usual.
Talks in Person
This walk will be held at the Washington Wetlands Centre (Discovery Room).
Please show you support to our speaker and the Society if you can on the night.
Hopefully w see you all at the Wetlands Centre (Discovery Room) , Raffle & Refreshments as usual.
Talk will also be broadcast via Zoom (providing no technical and/or WIFI difficulties)
Usual Zoom details
When Who Where
- Date: Sunday 19th May 2024,
- Time: 7pm.
- Speaker: David Ettie Sunderland Astronomical Society (SAS)
- Venue: Given at the Washington Wetlands Centre (in the Discovery Room) and via Zoom (usual Zoom joining instructions), but please do try an attend in person if possible to show support for YOUR Society and our speaker David.
Our speaker
Our speaker is David Ettie is a David Ettie is a prominent/active committee member of our society and an experienced astronomer / astrophotographer of the SAS with interests in Astronomy Outreach, Visual Observing and Astrophotography.