From humble beginnings and as a pre-season event, the annual SAS Starbeque event has now become the stuff of legend and one largest turnout in 2015.
Held usually on last Saturday in August, but due to the nearest new moon phase it’s the 3rd September 2016, starting at 6:30 pm until very late, observing afterwards if weather is favorable.
This is our traditional celebration of the return of darker nights and, as in previous years, will take place at our other site at Derwent Resevoir located at our Millshield dark sky site.
The event is free to attend (members, invited guests & the public) though you will need to supply your own barbeque goodies (for e,g, food, disposable barbies, etc), scopes, etc.
There is usually lots of scopes of all shapes and sizes, so if you are a prospective/new member that’s no problemo.
Travel Directions & Weather Conditions
Depending upon where you are travelling from there are a number of routes to the Millshields dark sky site.
For example, Washington Wetlands Centre to the Powhill dark sky site (based around Millshield car park & picnic area) it’s approximately 26 miles and takes approx. 45 minutes.
The following example route and availalble directions shown through a selection of images (c/o Google Maps/Street view).