SAS Lecture: Astronomy for Beginners

About this event :

Astronomy for Beginners – A simplified view of the universe.

  • How to start observing by finding some of the main stars and constellations.
  • Understand how the stars appear to move across the sky.
  • Why does what we see in the night sky change with the seasons and where does Orion go in the summer?
  • What are stars and galaxies and how big is the universe.

When Where

  • Date:  Sunday 15th December 2019,
  • Time: 7pm.
  • Speaker: Chris Duffy.
  • Venue: Will take place at the Cygnus Observatory (WWC Discovery Room).

Our speaker

Our speaker is Chris Duffy is the current chair and an active member of SAS. He also works as a professional astronomer at the Battlesteads Observatory.

Chris is the astrophotography director at AstroVentures, an expert astrophotographer and astronomy teacher with a passion for Dark Sky objects.

A committee member of Sunderland Astronomical Society, Chris gives expert talks and presentations to society members and the public at the society’s outreach events,
Chris has been specialising in deep sky astrophotography for the last 5 years and is recognised as an accomplished photographer of faint distant objects using long exposure techniques,
He is one of the lead astronomers at Battlesteads since it’s opening in 2015 and hosts the monthly astrophotography courses at the observatory.


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Your host : Martin Kennedy