16th March Lecture: Tackling Turbulence

As larger telescopes get, as more light they gather. This together with the wish for higher spatial resolution gives rise to the development of telescopes of larger size. However, while the light gathering power increase works very well, due to the perturbations of our atmosphere the larger telescopes not necessarily deliver images of higher resolution,…

16th February Lecture: What is Space?

We know surprisingly little about the nature of the stage upon which the universe’s great show plays out. In this talk Graham Darke will take us through the ages, along the way examining humanity’s developing understanding of what space is. It will bring us right up to the modern era where what we know today…

15th December Lecture: The Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem. Talk this Sunday 15th December 7pm. With the academic world closing for Christmas we’re not able to get a guest speaker this month’s talk slot. Therefore Chris Duffy our Chair will do a light hearted topical talk this Sunday on “The Star of Bethlehem“. Assuming the famous star was real, what…