20th October Lecture: Searching for Living Fossils of the Early Galaxies in the Local Universe

JWST has revealed exciting discoveries of galaxies that existed only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. However, due to the faintness of these distant galaxies in JWST observations, obtaining detailed information such as their environments and chemical distributions remains challenging. Extremely metal-poor galaxies in the local universe, a type of dwarf galaxies…

SAS Memberships – New Season 2024-2025

September is the start of our new season. SAS Memberships will be due from 1st September 2024 (payable throughout September) for this season 2024/2025 Joining/Renewing helps support your local astronomical society & community. So come on down to the Cygnus Observatory (based at the Washington Wetlands Centre) to  join or renew your SAS membership. The SAS is the largest…

7th September: SAS Starbeque

This year’s Starbque will be held at our usual venue, the Millshields car Derwent Reservoir on Saturday 7th September 2024. We meet around 3pm for our picnic / barbeque and continue into the night for stargazing.   A bit of cloud or rain will not stop the event going ahead but we will consider an…

18th August: Equipment Workshop Night

There won’t be any lecture Sunday 18th Lecture night is having a rest, so we are having an “Equipment Workshop Night”.   The observing/Astrophotography season is starting now that the dark skies have returned so it’s time to get your equipment in tip top condition. We will therefore be doing an equipment workshop.   Come…