Become a Member
If you have an interest in Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrophotography – or just an interest in the night sky – and want to meet like-minded people then please come along to one of our meetings.
You are about to join one of the largest societies, and probably the most active society in the North East. We support the whole of Tyne & Wear community and North East region with anything astronomical.
We cater for all levels of Astronomy interest and experience.
We are especially pleased to welcome newcomers into the fascinating study of the heavens, whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced observer.
And remember, you do not have to own astronomical telescope/equipment to become a member.
SAS membership Terms & Conditions
Membership Season
SAS Membership season runs from the 1st September each year within September for membership renewals, and your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.
Please note: Your membership is invaluable and goes a long way to keep our society going. For e.g. Paying for the upkeep of your society for e.g. site rental costs and various required insurances.
So now is an ideal time to join and/or renew your membership.
Using the SAS membership forms and one of the payment methods below
Membership fee payment Methods
Payment for SAS memberships can be made using the following methods:
- Cash;
- Cheque (paid to “Sunderland Astronomical Society”);
- SumUp Credit Card Machine (which we have at our base of operations at the Washington Wetlands Centre);
- Bank Transfer
- Using our SAS bank details (bank account no. & sort code)
- Please put your name as reference so we can identify who is membership payment for administration purposes.
- For Bank payment details contact the SAS Treasurer.
- Using our SAS bank details (bank account no. & sort code)
Remember membership forms are still required to be completed (New & Renewal memberships) and handed in with the payment method to the either the Treasurer ,Secretary, Chair or on of our committee members for processing.
For all SAS memberships these should be payable throughout September, funds go towards society rental costs.
Your membership also provides Public/Products Liability Insurance (PPLI) cover for members at our society events.