SAS Membership Terms & Conditions
- The Society is a voluntary organisation and, whilst participation is encouraged, it is accepted that the contribution made by individual members will reflect the time that they choose or are able to make available.
- Members are expected to act, at all times, in a manner which reflects positively on the reputation of the Society.
- Members are expected to respect all properties belonging to the society, its members or the Washington Wildfowl trust at all times.
- All items used within the course of Society meeting and Events should be treated with care and returned to their allocated locations after use. Any accidental damage which is incurred during use should be reported immediately to a committee member.
- This requirement also applies to “Loan Equipment” which is taken off site for use by:
- members at their home address.
- Members are only permitted to use those items of the Society’s equipment which:
- experience and qualification allow them to use without risk.
- Before using any item the Society reserves the right to access a member’s level of capability and where necessary restrict use until such time as appropriate training has been given and the member deemed fit to use the equipment in question.
- All members should acknowledge the need to avoid bright lights during observing and Astrophotography sessions and should equipped themselves with suitable “Red” lighting at these times, avoiding white lights unless in cases of absolute emergency.
- Members are only entitled to “act on behalf of the society” when dealing with any other:
- group or body where expressly sanctioned by the committee to do.
- As the society welcomes those of every Political allegiance, racial background, Religious faith or sexual preference, none of these issues are considered appropriate topics of discussion during Society meetings or events and should remain as private opinions which are not expressed at these times.
- Members should respect members of the opposite sex, sexual innuendo or inappropriate advances towards another member will, as in the workplace, not be tolerated.
- Language should be moderated at all times, particularly in the presence of younger members.
- Members bringing children with them to Society events are responsible for their actions and behaviour at those times.
- Members should seek the express permission of the Parents or Guardian of children (who are not their own) and should always act within the guidelines laid out in the Society’s Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy (available on the Society’s website).
- Physical violence directed at any other member of the society, its guests, visitors or members of the WWT staff will bring immediate termination of membership and may be reported to the Police.
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or any use of banned substances is not allowed during Society meetings, anyone exhibiting anti-social behaviour under the influence of these will be removed from the meeting and may have their membership revoked.
- Smoking is only allowed where permitted and only in officially sanctioned areas.
- All of the above apply to any occasion on which the person involved is acting on behalf of the Society, be this on site at the Wetlands or at any external event.
SAS Terms & Conditions in pdf format.